Our Misson

Our mission is to create a world where hope is a catalyst for positive change and transformation.

Share Hope Global, Inc. passionately commits to bringing relief to communities in need, empowering the next generation of Believers, and igniting growth within communities through the unity of families.

Vision Statement

We are committed to creating a lasting legacy of hope for generations to come.


A Message From Our Founders, DJ & Denice:

Have you ever had a thought or a dream that you couldn't shake? 

Embarking on a journey fueled by an unwavering dream and a persistent thought, Share Hope Global emerged as a testament to the transformative power of hope. The seed was planted as we engaged in charitable acts and served within the confines of our local church, yet an unspoken calling echoed within, urging us to do more. It was a divine whisper that resonated in our hearts, compelling us to embark on a mission far greater than ourselves.

With boundless determination and a shared commitment, we joined hands with our cherished family, friends, and community. Together, we pledged to weave a tapestry of hope that stretches across neighborhoods and transcends borders. This collective effort is a testament to the belief that within each of us lies the power to be catalysts for change. We stand united in our dedication to not only share hope but to actively sow seeds of inspiration, creating a ripple effect that touches lives both near and far.

In the heartbeat of Share Hope Global, there is a symphony of dreams, fueled by a passion to make a lasting impact. Join us in this extraordinary venture, where every act of kindness, every shared moment, becomes a brushstroke in the masterpiece of hope we collectively paint for the world. Together, we envision a future where hope becomes a beacon, guiding countless souls toward a brighter, more inspired tomorrow.

DJ & Denice Bagwell

Co-Founders of Share Hope Global